Benefits certified coaches can achieve with their clients:
Certification package includes:
- 4-week Resilience Through Resonance Self-paced Online Course ($799.99 Value)
- 8-week Group Certification Course (Priceless)
- Lifetime Subscription HRV Guru Office Hours (Priceless)
- Polar H10 Chest Strap ($99.95 Value)
Two Firstbeat Bodyguard 3 Devices ($499.99 Value)
- Firstbeat Practioner Course ($250 Value)
- Kubios Scientific (Standard Commercial Annual License - $680 Value)
- 1-day HeartMath Autonomic Assessment Report ($40 Value)
- 3-day Kubios HRV Report including Training
- One-Hour Live One-on-One Zoom Session to Review Reports ($150 Value)
Online course content will cover:
- Incorporating foundational health principles in daily activities to optimize health.
- Utilizing HRV (heart rate variability) and 24-hour stress and recovery measurements in a health practice.
- Measuring HRV for 1-30 minutes using EliteHRV and the Polar H10 chest strap.
- Measuring 24-hour HRV using the Firsrtbeat Bodyguard 3 device.
- Using an OURA ring to monitor and manage stress. (Ring not included)
- Using a Garmin watch with the "Body Battery" feature to monitor and manage stress (Watch not included)
- Analyzing raw HRV data using free Kubios software.
- Utilizing HRV tools to achieve coherence through regulated breathing
- Utilizing HRV tools to achieve resonance through regulated breathing
- Optimizing individualized resonant breathing pace.
- Incorporating daily HRV measurement and resonant breathing into a client's schedule that includes morning routines, evening routines, and mid-day routines.
- Tracking client data to monitor habit consistency and improvement.
- Utilizing HRV data as a biofeedback tool to evaluate effectiveness of lifestyle changes.
- Educating clients on the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) functioning including Parasympathetic, Sympathetic, and Enteric branches as well as internal and external stressors that lead to ANS imbalance.
- Triaging clients using HRV data to identify sympathetic overload and/or poor-quality parasympathetic functioning.